Serious Readers Blog
How vision technology is transforming the beautiful game
Wednesday 30 June 2021Computer vision technology such as VAR has proven to be a divisive subject among footballers, fans and pundits alike.
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How vision technology is transforming the beautiful game
30 Jun 2021 -
Mantis Shrimp: proud owners of the strangest eyes in the animal kingdom
Wednesday 30 June 2021The mantis shrimp is an extraordinary example of the evolutionary process. It has the widest ranging vision of any animal so far discovered in the animal kingdom.
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Mantis Shrimp: proud owners of the strangest eyes in the animal kingdom
30 Jun 2021 -
The link between dehydration and poor eye health
Wednesday 30 June 2021The high water content of our eyes, coupled with their heavy dependence on fluids to function healthily, means that dehydration is directly associated with our level of risk when it comes to certain eye conditions.
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The link between dehydration and poor eye health
30 Jun 2021 -
LEDs Explained
Wednesday 16 June 2021LEDs have become the world-leading light source in recent years due to their highly efficient designs and wide-ranging capabilities, but what they are and how they work is not widely understood.
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LEDs Explained
16 Jun 2021 -
How to protect your eyes from harmful UV-A and UV-B rays
Tuesday 01 June 2021As summer approaches, it’s important to remind ourselves of what we should be doing to protect our sight. UV radiation, whether from natural sunlight or artificial UV rays, can seriously damage our eyes.
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How to protect your eyes from harmful UV-A and UV-B rays
1 Jun 2021 -
Tetrachromacy: Real life superhuman vision
Tuesday 01 June 2021Tetrachromacy is a rare eye condition that allows for increased colour vision. Where the average human can perceive around one million colours, a tetrachromat can see ten times that!
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Tetrachromacy: Real life superhuman vision
1 Jun 2021 -
The surprising world of synaesthesia: What colour is Thursday?
Tuesday 01 June 2021Synaesthesia is a psychological and neurological condition that results in the merging of senses that aren't normally connected. Someone with synaesthesia may hear colour or see sound.
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The surprising world of synaesthesia: What colour is Thursday?
1 Jun 2021 -
Shining A Light On Eyes And Colour
Tuesday 25 May 2021The answer to the question 'what is colour?' may seem simple on the face of it, but did you know that our eyes can only actually detect three colours: red, green and blue?
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Shining A Light On Eyes And Colour
25 May 2021 -
Was Van Gogh’s obsession with yellow an eye condition or an artistic choice?
Thursday 06 May 2021During the last few years of the Dutch postimpressionist painter's life, his art was often characterised by halos and the colour yellow. Critics have attributed this to all manner of possible causes, but was an eye condition to blame?
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Was Van Gogh’s obsession with yellow an eye condition or an artistic choice?
6 May 2021 -
Lights, camera, atmosphere! How lighting conveys emotion in movies
Thursday 06 May 2021Lighting is an excellent communicator that enables filmmakers to speak to us, the audience, more effectively. It creates a visual mood and sense of meaning in ways that we may not ever have realised when watching our favourite films.
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Lights, camera, atmosphere! How lighting conveys emotion in movies
6 May 2021 -
Study links alcohol with lower risk of developing cataracts
Thursday 06 May 2021University College London experts analysed the health records of almost 500,000 people and discovered that low to moderate alcohol consumption was linked to a lower risk of needing cataract surgery. Particularly when the drink of choice is red wine.
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Study links alcohol with lower risk of developing cataracts
6 May 2021 -
Eyesight myths and misconceptions
Friday 02 April 2021Does eating carrots help you see in the dark? Does dark chocolate improve vision? Debunking and investigating.
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Eyesight myths and misconceptions
2 Apr 2021
A Serious Blog
News and views from around the world on lighting, eyecare and eye conditions.
Twitter: @seriousreaders