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Tripping the Light Fantastic

Tripping the Light Fantastic…

Thursday 27 August 2015

Manchester born artist Liz West is fascinated by the interplay of light and colour, and since graduating from The Glasgow School of Art in 2007, she has created a range of installations which explore how sensory phenomena can invoke psychological and physical responses.

Her latest stunning installation for the National Media Museum in Bradford, entitled “An Additive Mix”, makes white light by combining 250 coloured fluorescent lights and 30m of mirrors. The artist says she wanted to “create something monumental”. And the effect on those who experience it? Watch the video and see for yourself:

Celebrating the UNESCO National Year of Light, Light Fantastic is Bradford’s National Media Museum’s contribution to a whole year of activity looking at light and its impact on our lives. The exhibition runs until the 1st November and promises a range of “adventures in the science of light”. The mind boggles…


  1. BBC
    How 250 coloured lights make white light.
  2. Liz West:
    Personal Website.
  3. National Media Museum:
    Light Fantastic.


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