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The new implant that could restore eyesight

The new implant that could restore eyesight

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Researchers in America have successfully developed a new retinal implant which offers five times the functional vision of current implants. The development could offer new hope for patients with macular degeneration and other retinal diseases.

Developed by scientists at Stanford University, the new photovoltaic implant has been tested on rats, where visual functionality equivalent to 20/250 has been achieved, compared to 20/1,200 offered by current technology. It is also considerably smaller, which means a minimally invasive surgical procedure.

Lead researcher Daniel Palanker is setting expectations high: “Eventually, we hope this technology will restore vision of 20/120. And if it works that well, it will become relevant to patients with age-related macular degeneration.”

A clinical trial is planned next year in France, when patients blinded by retinitis pigmentosa will be included in the study.


  1. CBS:
    Stanford Researchers Develop Small Retinal Implant That Could Restore Eyesight.
  2. Stanford Medicine:
    Photovoltaic retinal implant could restore functional sight, researchers say.


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