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Light therapy may help in your fight against heart attacks

Light therapy may help in your fight against heart attacks

Tuesday 20 August 2019

An amount of intense light therapy may help the body in combating heart attacks by decreasing tissue damage.

In a study performed by the University of Colorado, mice were exposed to intense light for a week culminating in results showing improved outcomes after heart attacks.

Dr. Tobias Eckle, professor of anesthesiology at the University of Colorado School of medicine has expressed his opinion on how the mice trials could be reciprocated to benefit humans. Dr. Eckle stated, “We already knew that intense light can protect against heart attacks, but now we have found the mechanism behind it”.

The study with mice showed boosting the PER2 gene, which is expressed by a part of the brain that controls circadian rhythms, received extra protection when it experienced issues with oxygen, such as during a heart attack.

The next stage saw healthy human volunteers exposed to thirty minutes of intense light. 10,000 lumens of light were exposed to the participants for five consecutive mornings. Researchers found the PER2 gene levels increased as they did in the mice subjects.

Dr. Eckle expressed the essential role light plays in human health, not only does it regulate circadian rhythm, but it also helps with people’s cardiovascular health as well.


  1. Intense light may boost heart health.

  2. Intense Light-Mediated Circadian Cardioprotection.


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