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New Glaucoma discovery

Glaucoma discovery may also help with Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons

Tuesday 14 August 2018

A Canadian team have discovered a new signal for the presence of Glaucoma which may also serve as an early indication of other diseases.

The signal is a tiny lipid molecule which is present in healthy eyes, but which only appears at reduced levels in those people who suffer from Glaucoma. The lipid – LXB4 – protects neurons running between the retina and optic nerve. Principal Researcher Dr Jeremy Sivak writes: "This discovery provides hope that we can devise a new strategy for protecting the vision of glaucoma patients,"

Because the neuroprotection also extends to the central nervous system, the discovery could also offer new therapies in the management of a host of other neurodegenerative diseases including including Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons.


  1. EurekAlert:
    UHN vision scientists discover potential neuroprotective treatment for glaucoma.

2.Medical Life Sciences News:
Researchers identify new neuroprotective factor that holds potential to help people with glaucoma .


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