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Could an orange a day keep AMD at bay

Could an orange a day keep AMD at bay?

Monday 30 July 2018

Following a 15 year study, Australian researchers have observed that those who ate oranges regularly were less likely to develop age related Macular Degeneration (AMD) than their non-orange eating peers.

The study followed the health of over 2,800 adults averaging 49 years at the outset, and it was noticed that eating at least one serving of oranges per day was associated with a 60% reduction in overall risk of developing AMD.

The findings form part of one of the world’s largest epidemiology studies - The Blue Mountains Eye Study - which has been running since 1992. The study provides insight into health in relation to numerous aspects of lifestyle.

The researchers stress that their findings relating to oranges and AMD merely show a correlation. There is no proof that eating oranges will prevent AMD, and it is hoped that further studies will be undertaken to validate the findings.


  1. Newsweek:
    Oranges Linked to Lower Risk of Macular Degeneration.

  2. ABC News:
    An orange a day keeps the macular degeneration away, early research finds.



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